Warung Bebas

Thursday, March 31, 2011

10.5 Ways To Enhance Your Leadership Skills

1. Have a clear vision. Who are you? What do you stand for? What is your life’s purpose? What is your business purpose? How do you want to influence others? How do you want to contribute to others? The answers to these questions will help you formulate a concrete vision of your career, business and your leadership skill sets.

2. Know and utilize your strengths and gifts. We all have unique gifts and personal strengths that have developed over our lifetime. Utilizing your gifts and strengths will cause you to uncover your hidden leadership potential.

3. Live according to your morals and values. When your choices and actions align with your morals and values, you will succeed almost effortlessly.

4. Lead others by recognizing others. The greatest leaders are those who include everyone in their sphere of influence. They do this by recognizing and acknowledging each person’s greatest value.

5. Set definitive goals with a result plan. It is obvious that you have to know where your destination is before you can map out a plan to get there. To improve your leadership skills, establish specific life and business results (goals) you want to achieve and develop a timeline that includes milestones and completion dates.

6. Maintain a positive attitude. Make sure that you always maintain a positive attitude. Everyone wants to be around a person with a positive attitude. Negative emotions are contagious as are positive emotions. Also, when people are not positive it is difficult to take action. Yet when we are hopeful, excited and happy, we are more likely to take action, take risks, and attract new clients.

7. Improve communication skills daily. Great leadership skills include being able to clearly and specifically communicate your vision, ideas, skills, intentions, and expectations to others.

8. Learn to motivate others. Create a new shared vision for your team or organization and then begin to align your actions with this new vision. Use the resources and talents of your team to open up to new ideas. Surround yourself with a powerful team and utilize their strengths, gifts, and potential. Remember the more your give, the more you receive.

9. Be willing to learn from failures and weaknesses. The most successful leaders know that the key to success is not in avoiding failing, but in learning how to get up and start again. Most successful leaders say that they have failed their way to success.

10. Continue to educate and improve yourself. Great leaders continue to improve themselves in every possible way. The person who thinks she is an expert has much more to learn. Remember, if you are always comfortable, there is probably little or no growth happening!

10.5 It’s all about greatness: You must vision great in order to success great. Without a vision there is no greatness.

Leaders who are known for developing their people become a destination area for the best, most talented people. They become the touchstone for the creation of the next generation of leaders for the organization and the trickle-down effect can be the continuous engine that drives their company or their business for years to come.

© 2010 Dr. Laureen – all rights reserved

By: Dr Laureen Wishom

Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

Dr. Laureen Wishom, the Positioning and Business Growth Expert produces powerful results for high-achieving women entrepreneurs, executives, and non-profit leaders who want to: 1) brand their brilliance; 2) form strategic alliances, partnerships and collaborations; 3) build high-end relationships and 4) market to the affluent™. Online: www/gahaw.com and bit.ly/eCyRAA.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

15.5 Tips - How To Be A Charming And Gracious Businesswoman

Have you ever been with someone you knew was being nice just because they wanted something from you?

Whether it was a salesperson, a colleague or an acquaintance needing a favor or a commitment from you to do something you do not want to do, savvy women can tell when they are being manipulated. We don’t like it and neither do your clients.

Charming and gracious business women are charismatic and convey the message that they are authentic, and authentic people are more likely to be trusted. If you can be trusted, you are more likely to gain new clients who will stay with you long-term.

Charming and gracious business women are transparent. What does it mean to be transparent? Always follow through on your promises and actions - walk the talk, don't just talk the talk. Always deliver more than you promise - never disappoint. Believe in your cause - believe in yourself.

Below are 15.5 tips on how to be a charming and gracious businesswoman:

1. Be fun to be around - having a great sense of humor attracts people to you.
2. Listen twice as much as you talk.
3. Be a friend and offer encouragement and empathy, not advice.
4. Give genuine compliments frequently.
5. Be enthusiastic.
6. Accept people as they are and not as you want them to be.
7. Be alert for any chance to praise another.
8. When you ask questions, listen to the answers.
9. Be willing to challenge yourself to tackle new opportunities.
10. Have an open mind, take the blinders off.
11. Surround yourself with gracious people.
12. Build a team of people who are as charming and gracious as you are.
13. Remember a person’s name when you meet them and use their name in the conversation.
14. Praise others instead of gossiping about others.
15. Be gracious when accepting compliments.
15.5 Women in business should stand when they shake hands but it is not necessary for women to stand up in social situations. The Western handshake exhibits power, confidence, strength, respect and willingness to negotiate. You don’t want someone towering over you while you sit, having to look up and shake their hand. You are giving away your power and it's also rude. You should stand and look him/her in the eyes.

Remember: A good businesswoman sets the agenda, dominates the conversation, and closes the sale! A great businesswoman asks great questions, listens well, offers supportive help to the clients’ direction / dreams, and then closes the sale! She actively looks for ways to help other people!

By: Dr Laureen Wishom

Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

Dr. Laureen Wishom, the Positioning and Business Growth Expert produces powerful results for high-achieving women entrepreneurs, executives, and non-profit leaders who want to: 1) brand their brilliance; 2) form strategic alliances, partnerships and collaborations; 3) build high-end relationships and 4) market to the affluent™. Online: www/gahaw.com and bit.ly/eCyRAA.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

How To Start An Adult Turnkey Business - An Educational Guide To Money Making Opportunities

Start An Adult Turnkey Business with our Educational Business Guide. 11 Steps to Turnkey Business Profits.

1. Choose niche market. You need to be very careful with choosing your niche market. Most people want to choose a very common market such as the typical blonde haired blue-eyed girl but this does not make any money in today's Turnkey Adult Business. You need to choose a niche market such as midgets or gay bondage. Something Different.

2. Choose domain. Choose your domain one of two ways or for the best of both worlds go for both branding and seo'd domains. Branding is great for getting people to remember the name of the business but seo marketing domains are well positioned by the search engines. My rule of thumb is to have at least one targeted keyword in your domain name.

3. Research content companies to see the quality of content and payout to you. Most people just look at payout over niche content and the quality of such. When a Turnkey Adult Content Company offers you 80% or so of each sign up by using their content it sounds terrific but one must be careful. This 80% might mean you never get a sign up because the design of the turnkey adult website or the content is horrible. So the basic point is that 80% of 0 = 0. I will take 50% in a heartbeat for a turnkey website with good quality HD content that has a professional design to it. Don't fall for high percentage because many times you are being set up. 50% of niche market with HD quality content might bring in 5 sign ups a day whereas the 80% payout content company may not get you a single sign up. Plus you have to look at recurring billing. The 50% content company may keep the customer on the adult turnkey site for many months. The revenue adds up. The 80% might not get a sole to stay past the first month. Also ask yourself the question would I join the site? If you would not join why would anyone else?

4. Do your homework on the turnkey adult design business you may want to work with. Check scam.com, ripoffreport or complaintsboard. You can also type in the name of the owner on Google. You can type in the company name and then type scam or complaints at the end for example: ABC Design Scam. Be careful with BBB reports for it is simple to make it appear you have no complaints when your company is actually being sued by everyone and their sister. When there is an active lawsuit against a company the BBB might have them in good standing because the lawsuit is not counted against the company by the BBB. Look for quality sites that you would join yourself. If you would not join the site you are purchasing why would anyone? Price should be low but not ridiculously low such as $70 per month for 26 sites. In this type of situation you are getting what you pay for. Again if you would not join why would anyone else?

5. Hire a Turnkey Adult Business who attempts to educate you on the industry. Remember #4 on this list and type in all of the turnkey adult design companies and owners names. Please note: some owners hide their names or utilize a different name to fool you and also to attempt to fool some watchdog agencies especially the BBB.

6. Hosting is a big issue people forget about. Hosting can be very expensive if you listen to many of the owners of turnkey adult design companies. Shouldn't hosting be FREE in at least your 1st year or damn close to it? You should not have to worry about hosting until your second year in the turnkey adult business. Some charge $50 - $150 a month from the onset of your adult turnkey business. This is absurd to say the least.

7. Billing can also be very expensive but in the Turnkey Adult Business market you usually do not have to pay anything. For example in many agreements with content companies, the content companies themselves take care of all billing charges. This saves you thousands of dollars and a great deal of headaches.

8. Now you have to Seo or Search Engine Optimization the adult turnkey site for the search engines. I usually map out my site by the titles I want to use for each page of the site. Once I do this I then name the pages appropriately to what I want people to type in to find the pages. Page names should be relevant to the niche your site is in. For example: Blondeshairedblueeyedgirls/tour1 should be renamed Blondehairedblueeyedgirls/niche-website-adult-business. If you are targeting niche website adult business. For some reason many people do not take advantage of this. We do not know why. Index1, Index2 is doing you no good unless you want your site popular for the word index.

9. Page text. The easiest way to write page text is just that, to write it. Don't worry about using your targeted keywords just yet, just write. Write at least 500 words per page. This is where many web designers go down the wrong road. You see, they load up on graphics to make the site look all pretty but it backfires on them because the search engines will hate it. Graphics are great when they are on the page with at least 500 words targeting the main targeted keywords for that page. This is very simple but you need to take the time to perform this. Some people seem to think this is not important; we have no clue why.

10. Meta Tags - Title, Description, Keyword, Header, Alt, anchor. Out of all of these anchors, titles and headers are most important in my opinion. This is a whole separate article and for a full explanation of all I would have to write about 10 pages of text. I would send you over to searchengineguide or searchenginewatch. Full disclosure I have no relationship with these companies other than that I read what they write. They are very knowledgeable people.

11. Links. Between titles, headers and links you have covered most of optimization of your turnkey adult site. Links are basically people placing a button, banner or text on their site that brings the customer to you when they click on it. How do you get people to link to you? Good question. You can contact people in the same niche and request they link to you and you in turn will link to them. You can also submit your site to all of the adult search engines, directories and niche specific top lists. Start blogs regarding your niche market and write articles once you become an expert on the industry. The two resources listed in #10 of this article are good places to learn everything you need to know about links even though they don't target the Adult Turnkey Business.

By: Keyman

Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

Article written by Jay Keyman of Adult Turnkey Business Info and Adult Turnkey Business Insider. With over 13 years in the Adult Turnkey Design Business & SEO Business Keyman’s goal is to assist you in making good money by educating prospective entrepreneurs.

Monday, March 28, 2011

All About Types Of Tig Welders

Five types of the TIG welders are power I TIG -200 power TIG 200 DX, power TIG 250 EX power TIG EX power TIG 225 LX power TIG 315 DX.

TIG welders are of five types which is easily available. They are power I TIG -200 power TIG 200 DX, power TIG 250 EX power TIG EX power TIG 225 LX power TIG 315 DX . The starting minimum voltage required to start the unit is 220/240v it can also afford consistence and stable parameters with the standard feature being with foot pedal control.

There are machines which comes with the advantage and special features like arc force control, spool gun capability, digital display, consumer low power and many more which is specially designed so that these machine can be used in all industrial purposes and serve all industrial process, such machines are easily available and are called MIG machines.

They are namely I MIG 205, I MIG 160, I MIG 250, and I MIG 200. They are different types of MIG machines available for various uses. The power arc welder is also known or commonly known as stick welders. They are two types of stick welding machines available they are power arc 200 and power arc 160. These machines give good competition and lead the industry with their performance and the price too. It also gives the benefit of excellent arc characteristic.

So when talking about welding process, the welders have various options in different type of welding machine and the welder or the user can weld ant type of metal easily and can be satisfied with a smooth welding characteristic with a high duty cycles. Enjoying the benefits of the machine can be fullest only if u select a machine which is best suits your work.

By: Alex John Cooper

Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

For More information on Arc welder, Tig welders and Plasma cutters, you can visit our welders site everlastwelds.com.au

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Very Important Business Credit Tools

Getting a corporate credit is important because it can help you out in many different ways once it is established. When you get corporate credit, it helps your business when its in trouble and also it helps give you more money to invest in your company which in turn makes it stronger. It would be foolish not to start building corporate credit when running your business because you do not want to take a chance and put your business at risk and risk losing your personal assets.

If you do not know before starting a business, once in business, a business owner figures out how important it is to establish corporate credit. The reason being is that most people do not have the money necessary to start a business properly on their own. You will not be able to get a loan from the bank if you’re trying to start a business, so your only option is to establish some corporate credit.

Every business has its ups and its downs, and when starting your business, starting slow may put you in a hole that you may never be able to recover from. If you can establish some sort of business credit than your company will have access to enough money to run your business when you need it.

Also, once in business for a while, equipment starts to get older and break down and needs to be updated. This is just another example of the importance of obtaining some type of business credit to keep your company afloat.

Arguably the most important time your corporate credit may come in handy is when you decide to shut your company down. If you use corporate credit to run your business than you do not have much to worry about in regards to paying off the debt that will follow, but if you use your personal credit than you will suffer. You may lose everything so be sure to keep all of this in mind.

There is no part of your business more important than your business credit. If you use it wisely you will be able to quickly build up enough credit to get you extensions and safety nets for your company. Make sure you fill out all of the appropriate paper work as soon as you get your business started so you can start building your credit.

By: ehern508

Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

Business Credit

Saturday, March 26, 2011

4 Factors To Think About When Buying A Franchise

For whatever type of industry that exists, there's literally a franchise out there for that industry. Don't believe me? If you do a search on Google about 'strange franchises', you'll find some franchises named Texas Lice Squad, 1-800-Puke-Off, Doody Calls, Bully Busters, The Eraser Store, Offline Dating Franchises, Mr. Snowman and so on. Yes, these are REAL franchises.

Now that you know you can find a franchise in every industry imaginable, it's important to then take a look at a 50,000 ft level and see what industries are right for you and poised for growth. This article will identify 4 factors to consider when buying a franchise.

1. Understand what you want - It's absolutely essential that you know what your goals are. If your main objective is to spend more time with your family during nights and weekends, buying a franchise in the restaurant industry makes no sense whatsoever. Those are the peak times. If you want to be able to run your business from anywhere in the world (like Bora Bora for instance), don't buy a franchise the requires you to be physically present in order for the business to run.

2. Be smart about your decision - It's wise to find a franchise in an industry that you're absolutely passionate about, which is what I would recommend. If you're anything like me, you're probably more productive when you're happier with what you're doing. Don't you agree that there's something magical with being happy in your work? The bottom line is it's important to start off finding a few franchises that align with your goals and values in an industry that you enjoy.

3. Analyze the industry you're considering - Now if the industry you're considering is stagnant or mature, walk away and move onto another industry. You're looking for an industry that's in a position of growth and stability. Take a look at the fastest growing companies today like Facebook, Apple and Google. At the time of this writing, Facebook has just been valued at 65 Billion (with a B) and the company just turned seven years old. Google has been around a little over a decade yet we would all be lost if we didn't have Google in our lives.

4. Analyze the top franchises in an industry - Identify the top 10 franchises in the industry you're considering and find out if they are expanding or if they are stagnant. Go ahead and research their earnings to see if they're profitable if they happen to be public companies. Make sure you can tell if their growth is sub-par or exponential. Don't be scared if there's a lot of competition. In fact, you should welcome competition because healthy competition leads to innovation.

By: Gerek Allen

Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

By the way, do you want to learn more about franchising so you can make educated decisions about finding the right franchise? If so, download my free guide: The Franchising Insiders Report Do you want to learn about the hottest franchise today that has NO territory restrictions, NO royalty fees, NO minimum net worth required that's home based on the Internet? If so, I suggest you check out: BizziBiz Franchise

Friday, March 25, 2011

4 Things To Know On How To Buy A Franchise

The process of buying a franchise can be very confusing and quite overwhelming. If you are a first-time business owner or first-time entrepreneur, you might not know how to buy a franchise. What this article will do for you is give you 4 rock-solid tips on how to buy a franchise.

For most entrepreneurs, the natural thought process is to just find a franchise that they are passionate about. I think that's a great idea however, if you buy a franchise solely on what you are passionate about you run the risk of making a critical mistake in buying the right franchise. These are 4 tips on how to buy a franchise right.

1. Get a reality check - Before you do anything and sign on the dotted line, it's important to take a step back and just get a clear understanding of exactly where you are right now with your financial situation. You want to make sure you know exactly how much money you had to invest and you want to know how much time you plan to spend in your business. Far too often rookie franchise owners make the mistake of thinking they are better off financially than they really are. In this case, it's wise to not mix business with emotions.

2. Understand the FDD - The Franchise Disclosure Document, otherwise known as the FDD, will tell you exactly everything you need to know about the franchise you are considering to buy. The FDD will outline exactly what the franchise company is responsible for and exactly what you as the franchise owner are responsible for. Make sure you understand these very important points. Also, the FDD will identify any former and current litigation against the franchise company. You want to know this information as you evaluate the strength and the character of the franchise. You also have a 14 day window to dissect the entire FDD so use this time wisely to conduct your due diligence.

3. Consult with franchise experts - During your 14 day "cooling off" period, is highly recommended to consult with franchise experts. They exist for a reason which is for your benefit. you definitely want to consult with a franchise attorney to see if owning a franchise is right for you. Next, make sure you consult with a franchise accountant so you completely understand all the tax and legal advantages and disadvantages of owning a franchise. Spending time and money now with these professionals will ultimately save you high attorney costs and costly litigation fees in the future event of any possible litigation.

4. Alignment your current goals and values - After you have completed the first three steps, now it's time to tie it all together and to choose a franchise that is in alignment with your values and goals. If you can also choose a franchise that you're passionate about, even better. So if your dream is to spend more time with your family on nights and weekends, do not choose a franchise that requires you to physically be there on nights and weekends. Also, if your goal is to be home every night, don't choose a franchise with extensive travel requirements.

By: Gerek Allen

Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

By the way, do you want to learn more about franchising so you can make informed decisions about finding the right franchise? If so, download my free guide: The Franchising Insiders Report Do you want to learn about the hottest franchises today that has NO territory restrictions, NO royalty fees, NO minimum net worth required that's home based on the Internet? If so, I suggest you check out: BizziBiz Franchise

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Adult Dvd Rental Online Business Opportunity - Adult Online Turnkey Websites With Dvd Rentals

Adult Dvd Rental Online Business Opportunity Sugardvd Affiliate Program

Why Netflix has not gone into the Adult DVD Online Rental Business Opportunity is beyond me but it is certainly playing out to my advantage and should be to yours also. What a better idea than to offer someone an online opportunity to receive Adult dvd's in the mail instead of having to go into some sleazy dvd store on the edge of town and risk being seen by someone you know. This certainly doesn't have to happen anymore with a company called SugarDvd or as some say SugarCash.

So an online web company such as SugarDvd is great for the consumer but why write about it as an Adult Online Business Opportunity is a no-brainer. Think about the amount of money there is to make by Starting an Online Adult Dvd Rental Business by becoming an affiliate of Sugardvd. The money is endless with the amount of people that are not computer friendly and the amount of people that just don't want adult material on their computers. Maybe they don't want to take a chance of their children seeing adult material so they won't go to the websites on the Internet and instead get the dvd's in the mail in discrete packages. Maybe they just want to see Dvds on their Television instead of the computer and are not teach savvy individuals. Whatever the reason, the adult Dvd rental Business Opportunity is booming and is still in its infancy. I know there are many prospective entrepreneurs out there saying why didn't I think to Start An Online Adult Dvd Rental Turnkey Website Business? Good question but you are certainly not too late to earn your share of the money by promoting Sugardvd making good money at it.

Why not join Sugardvd's affiliate program opportunity and Start Your Own Adult Online Turnkey Business with the incredible revenue opportunities this company offers such as of course Adult Dvd Rental, Video On Demand, Sex Toys, Adult Dvd's for sale all at a very low price. Even a FREE trial, the ability to customize and co-brand your own Adult Turnkey Website and they are one of the few adult companies in the industry that are accredited with the Better Business Bureau. They pay you 25% of everything plus bonuses. You choose what you want to sell and how you want to sell it. Again you co-brand your adult turnkey website with them so you are in charge of the look, name, feel of the site and scope of products sold.

Starting an Affiliate Turnkey Online Website Business with the Netflix of the Adult Industry has to be one of the most lucrative business opportunities online today. Your cost is extremely low being just the cost of a domain name at $10.00 a year, Hosting which if you shop around you will get for FREE and web design if you are going to have someone design the Adult Turnkey Website for you which should Only cost about $300.00 or less. Spending any more money on this adult dvd rental business opportunity is totally up to you. If you designed the adult turnkey website yourself your total outlay of money would just be $10 for domain renewals. Many adult turnkey website design companies will actually perform your initial seo marketing for FREE so you don't even have that expense until you feel you need it. Total cost for first full year should not be more than say $445.00 and with your cut of 25% of all revenue coming in plus bonuses it would only take you a few FREE Trials to break even. After that of course everything is profit and profit is the name of the game.

I don't make a habit of recommending individual companies in the Adult Industry but this one is a can't miss Money Making Adult Online Business Opportunity. Please note I have no links in this article to send you to this company so I can prosper from this endorsement. I don't need to do this for I am an affiliate and I make very good money with this company. I believe in the niche market they are in and believe in their management. They have hedged their bets having both Adult Dvd Rentals and Video On Demand so if one market falters a bit the other will benefit. They have the Best of the both worlds. This is truly a win win situation for management and affiliates. Starting Your Own Adult Turnkey Business Opportunity with SugarDvd as your partner for the long-term is a no-brainer when you throw in the easy path to profitability with limited competition and low startup cost you can't go wrong. Start an Adult Turnkey Dvd Rental Online Business today and make good money with this unbelievable Money Making Adult Business Opportunity. Questions or concerns, clarifications just email jt@jtsec.com.

By: Keyman

Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

Article written by Jay Keyman of Adult Online Business Opportunity Info and Online Adult Business Opportunities Insider. With over 13 years in the Adult Online Business and SEO Marketing Keyman’s goal is to assist you in making good money with your very own Adult Online Business.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

4 Crucial Tips For Start-up Companies

The first year of a business is a sprint. It is a rush to the next year so the survival odds increase and so that the business can flourish. Below, you will find four tips to help your start-up succeed in even the worst economic environments.

(1) You Can't Rely On Current Customers and Networking

For any start-up, a steady flow of business is a necessity for survival. Word of mouth is no longer the way people do business.

Whether the business comes from search engine optimization or from pay per click, start-ups need to have a strong web presence. Of course, this is in conjunction with strong branding, however the former comes before the latter.

(2) Being the Cost Leader Typically Backfires

Many start-ups get into the market and immediately position themselves as the most cost effective in the industry. More often than not, this does not work.

When companies search for a service or product, they typically do not know too much about the industry or subsequent companies they are aiming to do business with.

Therefore, these companies rely on price to guide them and allow them to make the best decision. You have your Wal-Mart and Targets, but you also have your shops on Madison Avenue that are still in business.

The latter is harder to execute. Stand for quality.

(3) Stop Focusing On the Business Plan, Get Moving

Many start-up companies sit and ponder their business plan too much. The opportunity cost of this is exceedingly high. Also, this leads to no execution.

Start-up companies typically end up selling a different product or offering a different service than they set out to offer their clientele. Market conditions consistently change and this alteration leads most companies to find themselves changing with these fluctuations. And that's not a bad thing.

(4) You Probably Don't Know Your Competitors

When my firm's clients come to us, they usually ask about recruiting from direct competitors. I always give them the realization that they probably don't know who these companies are or whether they even exist.

When I started this business, I thought I knew my competitors, but every time a client comes to us because they had an issue with another firm, they give me a name of a staffing organization I have never heard of.

Again, this is because of the exceedingly high percentage of commerce that is done on the web and the uncertainty of the various keywords that people within these companies are Googling.

After closely studying my website analytics, there are almost no duplicate Google keywords that people search to get to my firm's site. Moreover, only 28% land on the homepage. The rest are very scattered.

Though, there is a bright side to not knowing who your competition is as a start-up. It comes in the form of not being able to copy them. When it comes to the game of entrepreneurship, only the competitive survive. The rest vanish.

Start-ups exist to reinvent the wheel, not copy it and get lost in the scheme of things. For the owners of the start-up, this means going outside of your comfort zone. Sometimes, having people watch you instead of you watching them is a good thing.

By: ken sundheim

Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

Ken Sundheim is the President of KAS Sales Management Recruiters Management Recruitment Agencies a sales and marketing staffing agency The professionals at KAS Recruitment Agencies NYC Headhunters have been around since 2005. Michael Benabib, Corporate Photographers NYC LinkedIn Headshots NYC helped shoot the KAS site.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Dark Side Of B2b Sales For The Small Business

It's Not Next Tuesday, It's Not After Your Grandma Visits...

It's now. Get it done. Let your competition email the prospect two days late. Let your competition be the ones taking the brunt of a bad economy.

As I transition from the day to day recruiting, I told my Managing Director, Alison Ringo that managing is first and foremost about producing faster, better and smarter than anybody in the industry.

You could be the Michael Jordan of management, but at the end of the day, if your team is not finishing deals, it doesn't matter. Our firm calls it "a sense of urgency." If deals begin to linger, they don't get done.

Many vendors come to my office and do an entire song and dance only to have me call them five days after the service was to hear a shocked, sometimes defensive response because I candidly asked where the results were.

With these types of business professionals, the product or service comes snail mail from Montreal. Though, interestingly enough, the invoice happens to connect within seconds.

Who can blame them? It's status quo to walk into an office, give an entire presentation, receive a contract and / or check, then disappear for 4 days. The answer is nobody can blame them, but many could begin to look elsewhere.

Though, maybe they're busy with other clients?

Then this should be stated or they shouldn't be meeting with me. Companies implode this way. Honest, intelligent sales and business professionals set expectations and try to adhere to a rigid timeline.

When a vendor sets client expectations, they have a much better handle on the situation. This is where real estate sales professionals fall short. Instead of showing the potential buyers homes in their price range, they put the buyer in charge.

Once the buyer is in charge, they lose all loyalty to that broker and see whether they can "have it their way."

The sense of urgency is also heightened by the fact that the internet has made nearly every product or service a commodity. The competition on U.S. soil is broad enough, but now many product and service based companies are competing on price thousands of miles away while competing with personalized attention right here.

For many companies, it has become a war that must be fought on both fronts. While U.S. soldiers may lose their lives, the stake isn't that big, but the slow, somewhat lazy business development associate can watch his or her child's tuition savings go bust all while they are Tweeting useless information to people who read useless information.

Sales doesn't have to be as hard as people perceive it to be. If you were to tell a sales professional 30 years ago that he could close deals simply by typing a sentence or two, he would probably be turned off by the lack of communication, but heavily intrigued by the ease it takes.

I'm sure they wouldn't mind a Tweet every now and again and a liquid lunch to go with the iPhone.

By: ken sundheim

Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

Frequently quoted in CBS MoneyWatch and interviewed by many media outlets including Anne Fisher from CNN, Ken Sundheim runs KAS Placement Executive Search Firms Recruitment Agencies, a NYC Staffing Agency and New York Headhunters started in 2005. President Ken Sundheim is also a partner in Corporate Headshots Corporate Photography New York City

Monday, March 21, 2011

The Dark Side Of B2b Sales For The Small Business

It's Not Next Tuesday, It's Not After Your Grandma Visits...

It's now. Get it done. Let your competition email the prospect two days late. Let your competition be the ones taking the brunt of a bad economy.

As I transition from the day to day recruiting, I told my Managing Director, Alison Ringo that managing is first and foremost about producing faster, better and smarter than anybody in the industry.

You could be the Michael Jordan of management, but at the end of the day, if your team is not finishing deals, it doesn't matter. Our firm calls it "a sense of urgency." If deals begin to linger, they don't get done.

Many vendors come to my office and do an entire song and dance only to have me call them five days after the service was to hear a shocked, sometimes defensive response because I candidly asked where the results were.

With these types of business professionals, the product or service comes snail mail from Montreal. Though, interestingly enough, the invoice happens to connect within seconds.

Who can blame them? It's status quo to walk into an office, give an entire presentation, receive a contract and / or check, then disappear for 4 days. The answer is nobody can blame them, but many could begin to look elsewhere.

Though, maybe they're busy with other clients?

Then this should be stated or they shouldn't be meeting with me. Companies implode this way. Honest, intelligent sales and business professionals set expectations and try to adhere to a rigid timeline.

When a vendor sets client expectations, they have a much better handle on the situation. This is where real estate sales professionals fall short. Instead of showing the potential buyers homes in their price range, they put the buyer in charge.

Once the buyer is in charge, they lose all loyalty to that broker and see whether they can "have it their way."

The sense of urgency is also heightened by the fact that the internet has made nearly every product or service a commodity. The competition on U.S. soil is broad enough, but now many product and service based companies are competing on price thousands of miles away while competing with personalized attention right here.

For many companies, it has become a war that must be fought on both fronts. While U.S. soldiers may lose their lives, the stake isn't that big, but the slow, somewhat lazy business development associate can watch his or her child's tuition savings go bust all while they are Tweeting useless information to people who read useless information.

Sales doesn't have to be as hard as people perceive it to be. If you were to tell a sales professional 30 years ago that he could close deals simply by typing a sentence or two, he would probably be turned off by the lack of communication, but heavily intrigued by the ease it takes.

I'm sure they wouldn't mind a Tweet every now and again and a liquid lunch to go with the iPhone.

By: ken sundheim

Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

Frequently quoted in CBS MoneyWatch and interviewed by many media outlets including Anne Fisher from CNN, Ken Sundheim runs KAS Placement Executive Search Firms Recruitment Agencies, a NYC Staffing Agency and New York Headhunters started in 2005. President Ken Sundheim is also a partner in Corporate Headshots Corporate Photography New York City

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sales Tips For The Entrepreneur

Bring Ideas To The Table, Solve Problems

Sales is quite easy, though most don't make it out to be. At the end of the day, sales is about solving the customer's problems and doing so by offering unique perspectives as to how to skin the cat.

More often than not, when a company calls a vendor, they don't know what they want nor what they can get. Many small business owners answer the phone expecting the client to know exactly what they want.

Then, when the client doesn't know how to exactly respond, they are often angered as to the lack of knowledge the individual has.

This is one way that you can separate yourself from the other vendors when selling a new customer. Walk them through the sale. Hold their hand; make their life easier.

Moreover, because the the client often doesn't have an understanding of what they want that is at once comprehensive and impartially arrived at, offer creative solutions as to how to solve their problem.

Get this routine down pat and you can rest assured that you have a solid client for life.

It's Simple - Customer Service Wins

Jack Welch put it perfectly by saying that people often make business more complex than it should be. Our economic system revolves around money passing from one set of hands to another.

There is no excuse as to why the entrepreneur should not always be giving updates to the client. When it comes to winning business, it is not always the most intelligent or biggest that wins, it is the one that shows the client that they care.

Welch said that if you are not speaking to your client, someone else is. Welcome interaction from your client. Make sure to email them daily with an update and keep all lines of communication open between both parties. The moment these lines close is the same moment that they're writing your competition a check.

You Don't Know The Client's Needs Until You Ask

The downfall of the small business owner lies with the "sales pitch." Never sell. Instead, ask questions.

Too many entrepreneurs answer the phone and, off the bat, go into a generic, boring sales pitch that covers nothing pertinent to the client. You never know why someone is calling.

There is no particular rhyme or reason as to why people buy; don't assume that this is another cookie-cutter case. Show interest in the client's needs and do your absolute best to tailor your product or service.

You never know until you ask. There are no bad questions; however, there are a ton of bad pitches.

The Goldman Sachs Ego

There is a reason why Goldman Sachs continuously stays on top. Many believe that it is because the firm has a reputation for recruiting the most talented people. The recruiting is only a small part of the equation.

It is the attitude that they are the best that keeps revenue flowing into their bank account. It is the attitude that they are the best that has investors lining up to give them money.

Even though you don't have the name that Goldman possesses, when selling a new customer have that air of arrogance that you are the best. For the next few sales calls, act as if you don't need the business.

The realization that people are going to want to give you their business when you don't need it will rapidly set in. The desperate sales professional never wins.

By: ken sundheim

Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

Ken Sundheim runs KAS Placement Marketing Recruiters NYC Marketing Staffing Agencies a NY and Management Recruiters Los Angeles Staffing Agencies. Ken also works with Michael Benabib a NYC Headshots Corporate Photographer New York City. Ken graduated from Fordham University.

Learning Strategies

The very nature of muslim learning throughout the classical and medieval periods was an intensely direct contact between the teacher and the student, with oral transmission constituting the predominant approach. The teacher occupied, as a consequence, a greater position of authority while the need to get in touch with him thus indispensable for the student. The situation encouraged the student to build the permanent relationship even in the event that the teacher resided in a town, far from his residence. The academic journey (rihlah ‘ilmiyah), by which a student traveled to reside for a long time with a learned man in a city, was a common feature of the time. Ibn Khaldun describes this well as follows:

A scholar’s education is greatly improved by traveling in quest of knowledge and meeting the authoritative teachers (of this time). The reason is that human beings obtain their knowledge and character qualities and all their opinion and virtues either through study, instruction, and lecture or through imitation of a teacher and personal contact with him.
Another striking characteristic of muslim learning in the early period was that concerned with memorization which was regarded as the main task of the student. The mastery of knowledge was determined by extent of one’s memory. This evaluation of memory corresponds with a nature of religious knowledge which must not merely be understood for personal purposes, but also be transmitted as precisely as possible to others. Memorization was at first applied to the study of the qur’an which is “considered by Muslims literally to be the word of God, its accurate memorization in one or more of the seven conventional recitational forms is the first step in mastering the religious sciences. In other words, “Mnemonic domination (malaka t-hifd), the memorization of a key text just as qur’an is memorized, is also the starting point for the mastery of religious science.”

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

3 Steps To Identify A Legitimate Network Marketing Business

Network Marketing, more commonly known as Multi-Level Marketing (MLM), is the fastest growing yet most misunderstood home based business of moving products today. More than 100 billion dollars worth of products are being moved through this marketing system and yet people still question its legitimacy due to their limited knowledge of the business.

So in this article, we will try to undo the misunderstanding by exploring:
*What is Network Marketing
*3 Steps to Identify a Legitimate Network Marketing Business

Do note that the terms 'Network Marketing' and 'MLM' are used interchangeably.

Understanding What IS Network Marketing
Breaking down simply, Marketing is the process by which products or services are moved from the manufacturer to the consumer. Network refers to the system of people who are moving the products or services. Network Marketing is therefore the way in which products or services are moved through a network of people.And because of that, no advertising is required as marketing of the products or service is done almost exclusively via word-of-mouth.

Involving no advertising costs, network marketing companies are able to pump in more money for research and development thus producing the best quality products in the market.

3 Steps to Identify a Legitimate Network Marketing Business
1)Are the products being moved? Is there a valid service provided?
Network Marketing is often confused with PYRAMID SALES. Pyramid sales is ILLEGAL! This is because they fail to move products or provide a valid service. They seem similar because both are Multi-level. However, pyramid sales is definitely not Marketing -- because products and services are not moving at all!

2)In a legitimate Network Marketing (or MLM) business, NO traditional selling is involved.
In network marketing, you are in business for yourself but NOT by yourself.

Being in business for yourself, products can be bought at wholesale price from the company you are representing. Many people joined a particular company for this sole reason -- to buy at wholesale. Therefore, you can, if you wish to, sell those products at retail price and make a profit. Now this is where the most common misunderstanding about MLM comes in -- People think that you HAVE TO sell retail to be successful in this business. THIS IS NOT TRUE.

Yes, retailing products can earn you a profitable sum of money and some MLM programmes even require a sales quota to be met in order to qualify for a bonus. HOWEVER, the most successful network marketers make the larger sums of income by building their organization.

With this organization, every distributor just needs to retail a little if he or she wants to.

95 percent of the people cringe at the word "selling". In MLM, there is no need to "sell" the products. However it is crucial that the products are moved or nobody gets paid. When you build a network of people, products can be channeled through your organization. That is why sales in network marketing come as a natural result of distributors sharing the products with their friends, neighbors and loved ones.

If you simply SHARE the quality of the products to your friends, that is ALL the "selling" involved in a network marketing business.

3)Commitment to Sponsoring and Teaching NOT recruiting.
Network Marketing (MLM) is often confused with Direct Sales. The one distinct difference is that in MLM, it is the SPONSORING of distributors into your team not recruiting (as with Direct Sales organizations). There is a vast difference between recruiting someone and sponsoring someone.

Recruiting would mean to just "sign them up" whereas in sponsoring, you sponsor someone and teach them how to do what you are doing. When you sponsor someone, you are making a commitment to help them build a business of their own. Therefore as a sponsor, you are responsible to teach your people all about the business.

By: Jianwei Huang

Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

Introducing one of the best work from home careers that changed people's lives. Aspiring business owners enjoy a FREE training session (invitation only!)on how to build a successful home based business. Find out more information at www.5000DollarsMonthly.com

Online Printing Services- How To Find The Best One

These days, almost everything is done on the internet. With the emergence of internet as a widely accepted communication tool, the concept of online business has gained popularity. Now, you can avail every type of service online, sitting in your bed room. Every type of business is operating online these days, as you can avail banking, education, insurance, retailing, and shipment services pretty easily because of internet. The same is the case with online printing services, which are also selling like hot cakes on the web.

If you are a business or individual, and you want to contact some professional printing company, in order to avail its online printing services, here are some useful tips for you. These simple tips will help you out in searching the best and quality services on Google or other search engines. If your targeted product is die cut sticker, you will have some different options and if you are to get printed envelopes, you will have to contact different service provider. In short, your specifications will determine the preferred service provider.

In order to gain the quality services, you must do a comprehensive research. This means that you should not restrict yourself to the big names of the industry; there are some small players as well, which can provide you the superior quality products on economical prices. So, your research should accommodate everyone. Some companies are specialized in some particular product category, such as; custom envelopes. These custom service providers have become very popular as well. So you must include standard, custom, big and small service providers in your search criteria, to make your research more helpful.

Once you get the results, then comes the phase of comparison. In order to avail the best services, you must do a comprehensive and comparative analysis of the service providers. This phase will determine the cost and expected benefits and will produce the cost/benefit analysis. The analysis part is important as it helps in managing finances and budgets for the project. More particularly, if you have to print some big product like car window stickers and in huge volume, you can manage finances and select the suitable service for you.

If you are convinced with the analysis, you can pursue with the order placement and quotations, but if you want more reliability and best services, you should ask for samples. If you get some sample products from the different service providers, you can do more reliable and helpful comparative analysis in terms of finances and quality. You can also ask for some custom quotes through the website and get the financial results as well. However, you are strongly advised to not to restrict yourself to the financial or cost analysis. You must give more weight to quality, reliability and repute of the provider as compared to the cost.

In short, for every single product category, from custom envelopes to die cut sticker; you must search for some reliable, economical but quality service provider. A comprehensive search can be pretty helpful in this regard.

By: Sara_Chris

Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

Sara Criss works for PrintingBlue that has been serving the printing needs of customers since 1995 in USA, Canada. Australia and UK, more topics on printed envelopes and other related printing services can be found at online printing services

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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terima kasih....

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


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