Warung Bebas

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

15.5 Tips - How To Be A Charming And Gracious Businesswoman

Have you ever been with someone you knew was being nice just because they wanted something from you?

Whether it was a salesperson, a colleague or an acquaintance needing a favor or a commitment from you to do something you do not want to do, savvy women can tell when they are being manipulated. We don’t like it and neither do your clients.

Charming and gracious business women are charismatic and convey the message that they are authentic, and authentic people are more likely to be trusted. If you can be trusted, you are more likely to gain new clients who will stay with you long-term.

Charming and gracious business women are transparent. What does it mean to be transparent? Always follow through on your promises and actions - walk the talk, don't just talk the talk. Always deliver more than you promise - never disappoint. Believe in your cause - believe in yourself.

Below are 15.5 tips on how to be a charming and gracious businesswoman:

1. Be fun to be around - having a great sense of humor attracts people to you.
2. Listen twice as much as you talk.
3. Be a friend and offer encouragement and empathy, not advice.
4. Give genuine compliments frequently.
5. Be enthusiastic.
6. Accept people as they are and not as you want them to be.
7. Be alert for any chance to praise another.
8. When you ask questions, listen to the answers.
9. Be willing to challenge yourself to tackle new opportunities.
10. Have an open mind, take the blinders off.
11. Surround yourself with gracious people.
12. Build a team of people who are as charming and gracious as you are.
13. Remember a person’s name when you meet them and use their name in the conversation.
14. Praise others instead of gossiping about others.
15. Be gracious when accepting compliments.
15.5 Women in business should stand when they shake hands but it is not necessary for women to stand up in social situations. The Western handshake exhibits power, confidence, strength, respect and willingness to negotiate. You don’t want someone towering over you while you sit, having to look up and shake their hand. You are giving away your power and it's also rude. You should stand and look him/her in the eyes.

Remember: A good businesswoman sets the agenda, dominates the conversation, and closes the sale! A great businesswoman asks great questions, listens well, offers supportive help to the clients’ direction / dreams, and then closes the sale! She actively looks for ways to help other people!

By: Dr Laureen Wishom

Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

Dr. Laureen Wishom, the Positioning and Business Growth Expert produces powerful results for high-achieving women entrepreneurs, executives, and non-profit leaders who want to: 1) brand their brilliance; 2) form strategic alliances, partnerships and collaborations; 3) build high-end relationships and 4) market to the affluent™. Online: www/gahaw.com and bit.ly/eCyRAA.

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