Okay, so a friend:Actually the questions as above need not filed at all. You do not even have to think about it.
All you have to do is:
1. practice writing.Do not ever stop writing. Because writing is like driving a car. The higher your flying hours, then your skills even better inshallah.
2. frequently read books of quality.If our body is like "factory authors", then input - include readings, and outputs (or products produced) is writing. Thus, reading is very important for a writer. We will be writing much colored by the type of reading that we devoured. If you diligently read teenlit, then you will become a writer teenlit.
If you diligently read the opinions in the newspapers, then you will become a writer opinions. So seterusnya.Raditya Dika - one of Indonesia's top writers - once said: "All Authors Wonderful Wonderful Definitely Beginning Readers." So if you want to be a successful writer, diligent reading. It's set in stone. Not negotiable!
3. Seek knowledge.Indeed, science, writing tips or guide you can learn as you go along. You could write a potluck lunch science and other sciences can be learned while continuing menulis.Tapi course, learning is very important. For in doing anything, it is very important provision of science, is not it?THREE POINTS above mentioned points have to be the ultimate secret to making quality writing!So if you want to create a novel as good as "Ronggeng Paruk Hamlet" for example, then be diligent to read novels such quality. So, God willing, you will catch
I lay out the tips above may seem very simple. You may not believe, that to make a very good writing, interesting, compelling and enduring in the hearts of readers, just simple tricks.
But trust me! The above tips may seem very simple. But when practiced seriously, God willing, someday you'll find a - perhaps even more - the shocking facts
What is clear, as I mentioned above, you do not need to bother to think "How can I make writing a novel as good as Ahmad Tohari or Andrea Hirata". Practice just two tips above. I pray someday you will be much better than Andrea Hirata even Stephen King!
Hopefully useful. Greetings success!
By: Jonruwww.jonru.net